Live Magazine – May 2023


4 ⬩ Warning and Reminder
The meaning in the stone

6 ⬩ Strange Obedience
Realigning my loyalties

7 ⬩ Letter to a Spiritual Directee
A spiritual director on bearing witness

8 ⬩ Bible Study
The Power of Story

10 ⬩ God Uses Our Stories
Healed. Connected. Empowered.

12 ⬩ What’s Your Story?
Your story has power

14 ⬩ God’s Big Story
A way of life that anchors your stories

16 ⬩ Living Legacy
An interview with Brenda Lambkin

18 ⬩ Giving Children a Future
Youth at risk in Bolivia

20 ⬩ I Signed Up
Ruth Currie’s testimony on becoming an activist

21 ⬩ The 4% Reminder
Lilian Yang shares about God’s provision in her life

22 ⬩ One Woman’s Witness
Win Fisher lays a stone

22 ⬩ A History Moment

23 ⬩ Book Club Review
Abuelita Faith – What Women on the Margins Teach Us about Wisdom, Persistence, and Strength

23 ⬩ We Remember

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Eleanor Chun
Ruth Currie,
Linda Ellsworth
Jan Evans
Renee James
Ashley Karugu
Kylah Lohnes
Jeannine Martinez
Victoria Mok
Rev. Elaine Proposki
June Roberts
Morgan Wolf
Rev. Tanya Yuen


Live Magazine