Join Us in Mission

Truth & Reconciliation

Representatives of the denominational partners of Canadian Baptist Ministries have been gathering resources to help Canadians on the journey of building right relationships between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples. Find resources and learn more at

Refugee Sponsorship

A small group of Baptist women recently became aware of the plight of two young Christian women. Because of their faith, they had suffered harassment, beatings, and death threats in their home country of Pakistan.

Ten years ago, they fled, seeking refuge in Thailand. Since then, the only constant in their lives is the daily fear of their already fragile circumstances crumbling. The other is their prayers for sponsorship – their only hope for a different life.

Our hearts were gripped by their story. We realized that we were well-positioned to answer their prayers. One woman in our group voiced what we were all thinking: “We must do something.”

In partnership with Gilmour Baptist Church, we cautiously anticipate a 2026 arrival. Over the next two years we will seek to raise $20K ($40K in total, approximately). These funds will provide for their living expenses as they adjust to life in Canada in their first year here.

Donations to this initiative should be clearly marked “refugee ministry.”

Flourishing Friendships

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation call to action, the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and most importantly, prompting from the Holy Spirit, CBWOQ is committed to prayerfully developing and maintaining Godly friendships between Indigenous and non-indigenous women.

We will seek to share with minds and hearts that are focused on listening and learning about the past and the present.

CBWOQ will strive toward developing healthy, respectful and flourishing friendships between Indigenous and non-indigenous women as a foundation necessary before seeking to find ways and opportunities to grow, walk, serve and lead side by side.

In celebrating our similarities as God’s people and honouring our differences as people groups and as individuals and community members and visitors, we look eagerly to the varieties of experiences and work that will be done in His Name.

CBM Partnership

Since 1874, Canadian Baptists have come together in God’s mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a world in need. We are deeply honored to support Canadian Baptist Ministries in their remarkable and meaningful work around the world.

Every year, we raise funds for specific international projects run by CBM that focus on vulnerable women; youth and children at risk; and relief and community development.  Learn about our current projects below.

Muriel Harrington Scholarship

Did you know that, in partnership with CBM, we have established and continue to support the Muriel Harrington Scholarship Fund? This fund plays a vital role in providing support to female theological students at the Baptist seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

In 2023, 17 students, with ages ranging from 20 to 65+, were granted scholarships to either begin or continue their studies, and we are dedicated to continuing our support for them through 2024.

Children With a Future, Emmanuel Foundation

This preventative program targets vulnerable children and youth who are at high risk of living on the streets and becoming involved in sex work. The aim is to empower and strengthen these children and youth by helping them to discover their gifts. They are also provided with learning opportunities, nutritious meals and medical assistance. We are so grateful to get to support this incredible project.