Sarah PS2000

Not Forgotten – Week 3 – Sarah

Week 3: The Story of Sarah
Read: Genesis 16, Genesis 17, Hebrews 11:12

Sarah felt forgotten. God had promised to make Abraham a great nation, but he was married to her, a barren woman. I can’t imagine the pressure she faced daily, believing that her bareness hindered God’s plan for her family. When she could finally take her perceived failure no more, she offered her servant to her husband to bear children for her on their behalf.

Her disbelief in God’s ability to cure her bareness led her to even greater pain. She thought their family having a child through her servant would relieve her agony, but the result of her decision tormented her all the more. We can often follow these same patterns of self-destruction in our own lives. It begins with a lie we believe and the need to resolve some anguish resulting from it. However, when we self-medicate or try to fix these problems with cover-up solutions, we end up in an even bigger mess.

Thankfully, the story didn’t end here for Sarah. In chapter 17, God speaks directly concerning Sarah, promising to give her a son. Make note, this promise comes long after her mistake in giving her servant to Abraham. At this point, Ishmael was already 13! God said this of Sarah in Genesis 17:16, “I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.” Despite her lack of faith and mistakes, God still blessed her! He kept His promise, and she did bear Abraham a son in her old age. What a fantastic reminder to us of God’s love for us.

Have you ever tried to help God fulfill His promise as Sarah did? What was the result? What did you learn from this situation?

Prayer and Reflection:
Heavenly Father, please help me trust You at all times. Forgive me for the moments I have stepped out in my wisdom and caused harm to both myself and others. Thank You that the same grace and mercy you showed Sarah is also available to me. I receive it now in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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