Call to Mission PS1800

Call to Mission – “Bring them to safety”

Life as a refugee is fraught with all kinds of difficulties. For Robina and Nazia, the Christian sisters in Thailand we are seeking to sponsor to Canada, circumstances are extremely unstable and they face the constant risk of deportation and detention. Since their time in Thailand, Robina has already been detained in the IDC (Immigration Detention Centre), for more than a year. She says she survived by the grace of God and was eventually released on bail. In May of this year, though, Robina received the devastating news that she had to return and as of May 28, she is in detention once again.

To maintain the safety of the women from those who persecuted them in Pakistan we do not share their photos or real and full names online, but there are a number of ways in which we are seeking your support and involvement.


God has thus far answered our prayers that the sisters are able to remain in Thailand. Please pray with us that this continues to be the case. Pray also for their daily safety, strength, and provision and for Robina’s release from the IDC.

Pray for the sponsorship application process. This has been interrupted and delayed by unforeseen circumstances, but please pray for this to be a timely process and for God to give this application favour with decision-makers when it is submitted.

Pray for the funds to be raised that are necessary to support this sponsorship.

Praise God for the Refugee Sponsorship Ministry team at Gilmour Baptist Church as they prepare to welcome Robina and Nazia into their community upon their arrival in Canada. Pray that God would sustain and encourage this team to continue this life-changing ministry for the many refugees they welcome and support in a hopeful new life in Canada.

Help us fundraise:

We are seeking the support of women to help raise the funds needed for Robina and Nazia to come to Canada. This amount is upwards of $30K, depending on living arrangements and donated items. Donations to this initiative should be made to Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario & Quebec and clearly marked for “refugee ministry.”

May God bless our efforts and may he grant these dear women and our sisters in Christ the desires of their hearts to live in safety and in peace and to be able to practice their Christian faith without fear of persecution.

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