Friendship House PS1200

Friendship House

Article by Helena Bergen

In June of 2023, our E.D. Helena Bergen along with Linda Lewis and Eleanor Dutkewich from the Oxford-Brant Association spent some time at Friendship House, Brantford (FH). Baptist Women remains an important partner to Friendship House, having supported the ministry for over 15 years.

The House nestles near the community garden that staff, volunteers and guest tend and you’ll find a beautiful prayer garden in the shape of a cross on its grounds. You could say that that prayer garden symbolizes both the constancy of FH’s commitment to community and its impact to date.

With only two staff, including new director Shawn Erb, and more than 70 volunteers, FH remains unshaken in its outreach. Today, about 70 families access FH’s weekly food bank, up from about 50 prior to COVID; they are supported through hot meals, supplies from the food bank, clothing, household needs. A starter kit filled with basic kitchen necessities is given to people who are newly housed.

During the school year, FH provides lunches for about 55 children who would otherwise come to school without a lunch. The House staff and volunteers also builds relationships with seniors in nursing homes in the area by giving them access to personal care items, checking on them and spending time with them through visits.

FH’s ministry depends on donors, grants, and prayer. Join us in praying through their prayer requests.

Prayer Requests

  • continued and adequate provision for the families accessing the food bank
  • housing solutions for many of the guests they serve
  • funding to come through for a bathroom renovation (the House has applied for a Trillium grant)
  • volunteers to offer hairdressing services for House guests
  • wisdom, discernment, faith and energy for staff, volunteers and board as they shape and lead this ministry

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