Legacy Giving

Your Legacy

Making a planned gift to CBWOQ is one way to leave a legacy that will have a lasting impact. Planned giving is simply making arrangements in the present for a future gift. Often, this is done by including a bequest in your will. Making a charitable bequest to CBWOQ has significant benefits, including:


Your gift can be for any specific amount, a percentage, or the residue of your estate.

Peace of Mind

You can make changes to your will at any time.


There are no extra out-of-pocket costs. Your current income will not be affected.

Tax Relief

Depending on the type of asset, leaving a gift in your will to CBWOQ can significantly reduce estate taxes.

YPBC Stained Glass PS2500

Stained glass from Yorkminster Park Baptist Church


You can make a bigger impact when you donate securities, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can make a gift of securities to CBWOQ directly through Canada Helps.