SM Winter (11)

CBM Spotlight: Women’s Literacy and Family Ministries in Rwanda

Empower Women. Transform Families. Build Stronger Communities.

We are grateful to partner with CBM in their life-changing ministries. One that has been a source of hope and transformation for women and families in 11 communities over the past five years is Women’s Literacy and Family Ministries in Rwanda. Together, CBM is equipping women with literacy skills, fostering economic independence through self-help groups, and strengthening families through vital support and training.

Women who once struggled to read, write, or count are now gaining the confidence to start businesses and secure meaningful work. Families are learning how to create safe, nurturing homes where every member can thrive. Through literacy programs, business development, parenting clubs, and community workshops, this ministry is not just meeting immediate needs—it is building a foundation for lasting change.

With support from the CBWOQ community, CBM can continue this vital work, train more facilitators, and expand its impact. Your gift is more than a donation—it’s an investment in dignity, opportunity, and transformation.

Donate today, and be sure to designate your gift to CBM’s ministry to women and children.

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